General Surgery/Surgical Services
Commitment to Excellent Service
We are committed to providing you excellent service. We work as a team which includes you and your family, along with the experienced staff and physicians.
We would like you to be an active participant in your care. We will share your test results with you and your family as requested. Together we will decide what are the best treatment options available to you.
We will listen to your health concerns in a respectful, courteous, and supportive manner.
We believe you should have easy access to your caregivers.
If you have questions or problems please call 419-591-4768.
Practice Emphasis
All aspects of general surgery including but not limited to:
- Colonoscopy
- Gallbladder
- Breast Surgery
- Bowel Surgery
- Thyroid Surgery
- Emergency Surgery
- Hernia Surgery
- Skin Lesion
- Comprehensive Wound Treatment
Office Hours and Appointments
For your convenience the office uses an appointment system. Please call during business hours to schedule an appointment.
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm, Friday 8am - 12pm
Clinic Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8am - 5pm
Surgical Services
100+ Years of Combined Medical Experience
At Henry County Hospital, our 100,000-square foot facility houses advanced technology, state-of-the-art medical services, and compassionate, experienced physicians. Every detail is focused on patient care, health, and wellness, from our "unrestricted visitation policy" policy-which allows friends and family to visit whenever they want-to our commitment to quality care. Since 1919, we have been in the business of meeting the needs of the community through cutting-edge medical care. Our advanced surgical services are trusted by the community. You can take comfort in knowing that our staff will regularly update you and your loved ones on the surgical process as it takes place.
- We routinely handle all aspects of surgery, including:
- Endoscopy
- General Surgery
- Gynecology
- Laparoscopy
- Orthopedics
- Pain Management Procedures
- Urology
- Vein Procedures
We take pride in being able to provide exceptional surgical services in Napoleon. From the weeks prior to surgery to the hospital stay and discharge home, you can expect a safe and confidential surgical experience.
Receiving Anesthesia, Local or IV Sedation
Before receiving anesthesia or any form of sedation, patients undergo a pre-admission testing process. This involves a discussion of health history such as allergies to foods, medications, and the environment, current medications, vitamins, and supplements, and previous surgical history.
All surgeries are scheduled Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For questions regarding an upcoming procedure, please call us at 419.591.3804
Office Hours and Appointments
For your convenience the office uses an appointment system. Please call during business hours to schedule an appointment.
- Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm.
- Clinic Hours: Wednesday 8am - 5pm, Friday 1pm - 5pm