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Emergency Care

The Emergency Care Services staff is dedicated to fast, effective emergency care. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, emergency care offers the medical attention you need when immediate health concerns arise.

What should I bring to Emergency Care Services?

If possible, bringing the following items will likely help speed the process of registering in Emergency Care Services:

  1. Photo ID
  2. Current insurance card (if applicable)
  3. Current Medications or a list of Current Medications
  4. Name and contact information of your family physician
  5. Name and contact information of your emergency contact person

Upon Your Arrival

You will be greeted by a member of the registration team who will ask you or your family member for information such as date of birth, address, phone number, etc. By ensuring proper identification, staff is able to provide a high level of patient safety. We will also ask for health insurance information at this time and the “Reason for Visit.”


Once in an exam room, expect to be visited by any or all of the following; physicians, nurses, and patient care technicians. Our team works together to ensure you receive the most complete emergency care possible. The physician and nurses will ask you about your illness or injury, perform an exam, and if needed, speak with other physicians regarding care. Lab work or X-rays may be ordered to assist physicians with a diagnosis. For convenience Emergency Care Services is ideally located in close vicinity to Laboratory Services as well as Medical Imaging.


The Emergency Care physician will prepare discharge paperwork and instructions. Each set of discharge instructions are individualized for the patient, which can take up to 20 minutes to prepare. Before leaving, one of the Emergency Care nurses will review the instructions to be sure patients understand what the physician is asking of them and how to best care for themselves at home.

Admit to Inpatient

An excellent member of the nursing staff will take patients to their private Inpatient room once the hospitalist or their family physician is contacted, and a chart is prepared. During this time staff will help to ease anxiety by keeping patients as comfortable as possible in Emergency Care and will provide updates on admittance status.

Billing and Payment

Henry County Hospital is a not for profit organization and does not deny care to anyone. It is very important for patients to let staff know if they do not have health insurance or need assistance with payment. Once staff is notified appropriate paperwork can be completed.

The amount paid depends on insurance plans and treatment received. It is possible to receive fees for the following services; emergency care physicians, hospital care, laboratory services, radiology services and/or or other services.

Patient Reviews
  • General

    Came to the ER from an accident with myself and my two boys and the nurse was so nice and sweet. Dr Music was awesome and the lady who did my X-rays was so friendly and easy to talk with. They all made the stress from the accident easier for us all!

    Erica N
  • General

    I can't say enough about Dr. Kettinger, and most of the nurses in the ER. I think they are great and trust them. Don't care where I am at I all to go to Henry county. Great job guys.

    April K.
  • Rehabilitation

    I have always had kind and patient therapists. They were encouraging and glad when I showed progress. They are all very friendly and courteous.

    Betty C.
  • General

    I went into the ER and met Dr. Music. I would recommend this doctor. He is kind, considerate, and listens to what you say.

    Connie C
  • General

    "Amazing nurses and other staff."

    Deb H.